Wednesday, 6 July 2011

10 ways to speed up the burning of energy

Many people tend at their failure to lose weight, fast to blame the slow their metabolism. But before our enemy as metabolism, prevents us from achieving our goals, it is necessary to understand exactly what is metabolism and how it works?
Metabolism is simply the process of burning the body and use of energy. The body needs energy to live there. We burn energy with each heartbeat, and when each breath we take. Says Dr. Nancy Kim, from nutrition research centers, the University of California, said the speed with which the body burns energy, in order to carry out basic life functions, is the so-called basic metabolism. It is known that the body burns most of the thermal units, while performing these basic functions without even moving. If we are to move our muscles and our various activities, our bodies need additional power, and vary the amount of this energy according to the degree of our activity, the more the life of the individual inert, it was as much in cases of sleep and lack of movement.
But what determines the speed of metabolism? Helena says Dr. Rod cold, a specialist U.S. glands, there are several factors that determine the speed of metabolism, the most important body size and the size of the muscle, in addition to age, sex, activity level, body temperature and climate. And the basal metabolic fastest among young people than among the elderly. And in men more than women, and in people who exercise more than non-practitioners. And Alabb genetic factor is also a role in determining the speed of metabolism. However, Dr Dennis Jacobson of the University of Kansas, says that this does not mean to lay all the blame on our genes in cases of weight gain. It is known that we are obese quorum, when more than the amount of calories that we eat the amount burned or consumed by the body. If the metabolism is slow, it will lead to the accumulation of excess pounds in our body.
However, the use of energy or reduce the amount of calories that we eat will not solve the problem alone will not guarantee our success in reducing the weigh. If you did not receive the number of calories the body, that he has, he goes to take a defensive position against this situation which he considers Tjoie, who shall reduce the speed of your metabolism to conserve energy, and make weight loss more difficult. So what are the effective means to speed up the metabolism in the body, burn more calories?
1 - Sport: sport occupies the first rank on the list of the means of accelerating the process of metabolism. Once we start any activity leading to increased heart rate, such as swimming or running or riding a colloquial or even just walking. Then we are on Almaziad burning of calories. If we practice these exercises for between 20 and 30 minutes, quickly make us find it difficult to talk comfortably, the speed of our metabolism will remain elevated for several hours, even after we finished the exercise.

2 - small meals several times a day: the more we ate, we burn calories by the energy needed to eat and digest and absorb food. In fact, the "heat food," this, consumes about 10% of the total calories that the body burns per day. Eating small meals and the Organization every three or four hours, helps to increase the generation of heat food, and thus burn the number of calories that you burn more than when eating a big meal one. It also prevents the feeling of hunger, and thus reduces Akabbalna severe or excessive eating it.

3 - adequate amount of protein: digestion of foods need protein and calories to increase by 18%, what is needed to digest carbohydrates or fat. Therefore, we must be careful to eat M_khassatna of protein daily, which must constitute 15% of the total calories we eat. Can be obtained at this rate, by eating two servings to three servings of dairy products, or three, and two portions of meat, fish or nuts or grains or legumes daily. But we must avoid too much protein, because it can lead to fatigue, kidneys, and liver. It is also associated with reduced calcium in the bones, high blood pressure.

4 - hot pepper and spices: Several studies have shown that the substance Alcabcisan in spices, especially chili, can increase the speed of your metabolism by 50% for three hours, following a meal rich in spicy hot. Due to the fact that heart rate increases when dealing with these spices. In addition, the spices gives the flavor of the dishes, poor in fat, there is no need to add fat to it. Also, the Alcabcisan, has anti-inflammatory properties and can be useful in cases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

5 - Some Caffeine: found in several studies that the two cups of coffee or two cans of cola a day can increase the speed of metabolism by between 10 and 30% in the period between one and three hours after Cherbhma. The best course of drinking diet cola, regular cola that contains only 130 calories in each pack. And in both caffeinated soft drinks increases the heart rate, and the proportion of the hormone adrenaline in the blood. But eating a larger amount of soft drinks is not good for public health, it leads to tension and insomnia and result in disorders of the stomach.

6 - seagrass and the fruits of the sea: to ensure the health of the thyroid gland, especially the members of the families, which suffer from problems in this gland, it is recommended specialists eating seaweed, such as Dulse and Combo and Aloakami, or the fruits of the sea, is rich in iodine, which improves the work of the thyroid gland. The latter can help to increase the speed of your metabolism, by producing more of thyroxine, a hormone responsible for regulating metabolism.

7 - Green tea: a Swiss study showed that people who drink green tea, burning calories burn a greater number than those who do not drink. It is believed that the materials Filawoonoidz, found in tea, can affect the hormone Alnoradenalin energy, which can in turn accelerate the process of burning body fat. Green tea is also very beneficial to public health, it is an excellent anti-oxidant and helps to strengthen the body's immunity. But must merely three or four cups a day maximum, because it contains caffeine from tea.

8 - Movement: In a recent study conducted in the United States, found that people who increased their mobility, daily burn of 400 calories, more than others. Therefore, it is recommended that, if we are not from these people, to try to burn the same amount of calories by increasing the overall activity for walks, on foot, whenever we had the opportunity, as we can up the stairs instead of the elevator, and ride a bike instead of the car.

9 - a little heat: useful to reduce home heating in winter and in the office, this will force the body to burn more calories to maintain a natural temperature of 37 degrees.

10 - muscle strengthening exercises: The exercises strengthen the muscles, ie, those exercises that force the muscles on the face of adequate strength, which included the inability to repeat the exercise, more than 12 times, the best and most effective way to speed up metabolism. This exercise builds muscle in the body and increase the size and strength, and is well known that every half kilogram of new muscle tissue in the body, burns to 50 extra calories a day. This means that if we persevere and to do exercises to strengthen muscles, such as exercises that include carrying weights, we will succeed in increasing the speed of our metabolism by 15%. Perhaps a combination of exercises to strengthen muscles and exercise the other, better ways to reach physical fitness, reduce body fat and increase muscle tissue. Brings together specialists to say that weight bearing exercises and other exercise, which leads to accelerated heart rate and increase the amount of oxygen entering the lungs, leading to speed up the metabolism while doing it, and after completion as well. Said Dr. Sharon Howard, the fat tissue, eight times.
The muscle, even at rest, consumption of energy you need. The more muscle tissue we have, burn more calories, even as we sat. Fatigue and exercise an extraordinary role in easing the natural slowdown of metabolism, which happens with age, because it helps build muscle and reduce the loss of muscle tissue. Studies show that older people, who exercise their metabolism is faster than the others, living the life of a civilian idle.

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